Lemon Pudding Cream Cake

John Lemon

Whoa! What do you do with a bunch of Lemons? Make Lemonade? Not exactly, although I did use a few for "decorative purposes". To whip up this tasty, easy little dessert dish it takes about one lemon, but it is oh so good. Perfect for a little pot luck or your neighborhood needlepoint group! 

The Lemon is native to Asia and the "ellipsoidal yellow fruit" (A geometric surface, all of whose plane sections are either ellipses or circles.

el·lipsoid, el·lipsoidal (-lpsoidl, lp-, lp-) adj.
) is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes. However, lemons are also used for cleaning purposes! Right! Lemon scented dish soap... For the storied history of this popular little fruit click here:  Lemon - The Story!

For a warm summer day, this NO-BAKE yummy treat is sure to keep you cool and satisfy at the same time. It's a little tart, a little creamy and a little crisp - rolled into one. I do, however, need more practice on "placement" of the graham cracker layers. What I did learn was it is best to use a dish with straight sides, not slanted as in my pics. It just makes things easier and certainly a prettier presentation. This recipe is adapted from Six Sisters Stuff. So, what are you waiting for...

Let's Try It!


Ingredients Pudding Cake:

  • 1 box (14 oz.) Graham Crackers
  • 2 packages (3 1/2 oz.) instant Jello Lemon Pudding Mix
  • 1 container (8 oz.) Cool Whip (I did not thaw before use.)
  • 3 c. milk (I used 1 % fat.)

Ingredients Topping:

  • 1/2 c. butter, softened
  • 2 c. powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice, about half a lemon
  • 2 tbsp. milk

Preparation Pudding Cake:

1. To create the filling, whip together dry pudding mix, milk & Cool Whip. Now, you can do it the easy way with an electric mixer (hand or stand) or with a little "elbow grease". I used elbow grease & honestly, I think an electric mixer would create a more condense, fluffy cream. Unless you are, of course, trying to get your daily work out in for this little undertaking.

2. Use a 9" x 13" baking dish (remember, straight sides will be better. You can see my little "slants" in the pic.) & place a single layer of crackers on the bottom, breaking to fill in any little gaps.

3. Now evenly spread about half of the pudding mixture over the bottom layer of crackers taking care not to move or dislodge them. This is sort of your little "crust".

4. Gently place another single layer of crackers on top of the pudding mixture. Evenly layer the remaining pudding mixture over the top of the second layer of crackers. You can see once again why a straight sided dish would work better. Silly me, I should've had a V8...  

5. Place the last layer of crackers on top of the second layer of pudding. Set aside. (ignore that cracker gap on the bottom right of the pic... Polly ate some crackers...)

Preparation Lemon Topping:

1. Cream and mix the softened butter, powdered sugar, lemon juice & milk together. (Again, easy or a little elbow grease...)

2. Spread topping over cracker layer. Cover cake and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, although longer is a bit better. It's gives the mixture more time to set.

Now, kick back! Do a little needlepoint or quilting (fall and winter are just around the corner). Let your delicious Lemon Pudding Cream Cake chill and then enjoy! Doesn't that look yummy.

Lemon Pudding Cream Cake

Enjoy! WildWSS outta here!






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