Old-Fashioned Oatmeal Pie

Celebrating National Oatmeal Month with

Old-Fashioned Oatmeal Pie



Did you know that January is National Oatmeal Month? Well, did you. It is. Did you know about the Quaker Oatmeal Festival in Colorado? Click here for a little info: Quaker Oatmeal Festival January 12, 2013. Interested in a few little facts about oatmeal, click here: Oatmeal.

So, in honor of National Oatmeal Month and to recognize one of my FFBF's (Favorite Facebook Friend), Terry B, I decided to share this quick and easy recipe for Old-Fashioned Oatmeal Pie (courtesy of Judy at The Southern Lady Cooks). Terry has indicated just how much she loves Oatmeal Pie. Here's to you darlin'! :))

Let's Try It!


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 c. light or dark corn syrup
  • 4 tbsp. butter, melted
  • 1 c. rolled oats(aka old fashioned)
  • 1/2 c. brown sugar
  • 3/4 c. coconut
  • 1/2 c. walnuts (or another favorite nut) ;)
  • 2 tsp. vanilla flavoring
  • 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
  • 1 (9 in.) deep dish pie crust


1. Preheat oven to 350˚.
2. In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs with a whisk.
3. Add remaining ingredients & mix well with a spoon.
4. Pour oatmeal mixture into pie shell & bake for 40 minutes.
5. Increase oven temperature to 375 & bake for approximately 10 more minutes. Pie should be fairly well set.
6. Remove pie from oven & let cool before cutting.

Now wasn't that super easy! I made the basic Oatmeal Pie, but there are some options. You could add in about 1/3 cup chocolate chips, for a Chocolate Oatmeal Pie. Or, you could add in about 1/3 cup peanut butter chips. Or a mixture of both! And then throw a dollop of whipped cream on the top when serving! Yum! :-bd

Enjoy! WildWSS outta here!

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