Savory Okra Soup & Roasted Turkey Panini

Savory Okra Soup & Roasted Turkey Panini

Okra soup? Some folks may say "What?", with a slight bewildered look! It may be that some folks reading this little post have never heard of okra or at the very least heard of it, but never tried it. And then, of course, a few have been exposed to a 'stewed' variety that might seem just a tidbit - well, slimy. :-o The options for food preparation are virtually endless! Okra was a staple, a regular part of meals in my life. However, I did ask my mom and dad if they had ever eaten okra soup and the reply was; "What? But sounds like it might be good, so let us know how it comes out!".

It is believed that okra was introduced to the United States three centuries ago by African slaves and became very popular in the South. It remains highly popular today. The origin of okra is a bit disputed, with claims of origination in South Asian, Ethiopian and West African regions.

Regardless of it's origination, okra is good for you! Well, maybe not those breaded and fried recipes that are, oh, so popular! Besides being low in fat and calories, okra also contains essential nutrients such as potassium and calcium. Adding okra to your diet can also positively affect your cholesterol levels. Okra is a source of fiber and vitamin C.

Enough with the babble! It's time for soup! There are numerous variations and concoctions for okra soup. A popular recipe style is called Charleston Okra Soup, which is typically prepared with a ham bone and diced ham. I've settled on a different little variation that is fairly quick and simple. I paired the soup with Roasted Turkey Panini Sandwiches. So,

Let's Try It!

Ingredients - Okra Soup (serves 6-8):

  • 2 tbsp. canola oil
  • 3 strips thick cut bacon, chopped
  • 1 tsp. dried thyme or 3 tsp. chopped fresh thyme
  • 6 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 med. yellow/brown onion, chopped
  • 1 c. chopped celery rib
  • 2 bay leafs
  • red pepper flakes, to taste ( I used about 1 1/2 tsp.)
  • Kosher salt, to taste
  • fresh ground black pepper, to taste.
  • 3 tbsp. tomato paste
  • 1 lb. fresh okra, trimmed & cut into 1/2″ slices OR
  • 2 12 oz. bags cut frozen okra, when fresh is not available (The bags only came in 12 oz. sizes, hence 2 bags.)
  • 6 c. chicken stock
  • 1 28 oz. peeled, crushed tomatoes
  • grated parmesan cheese, optional.

Preparation Okra Soup:

1. Add oil & bacon to a 6-8 qt. dutch oven. Cook on medium high stirring frequently, until fat renders for about 6-7 minutes.
2. Add thyme, garlic, onion, celery, bay leafs, pepper flakes & season with salt/pepper. Cook stirring occasionally until soft. About 5-6 minutes.
3. Stir in tomato paste & cook, stirring, until the mixture started to caramelize. For me, it was about 3 minutes.
4. Add okra, stock & tomatoes. Bring to slight boil, reduce heat to low. Cook for approximately 45 minutes until soup starts to thicken. (I partially covered the pan. The cooking time can vary depending on type of pan used. Okra should be tender, but not mushy.)

While the Savory Okra Soup is cooking, you can start preparation for the Roasted Turkey Panini Sandwich(s).

Ingredients Roasted Turkey Panini (single sandwich):

  • 2 slices whole grain/whole wheat bread*
  • reduced fat butter/margarine/butter substitute spread (I used Benecol.) *
  • Chipotle flavored reduced fat mayonnaise
  • 6 thin slices deli Slow Roasted Turkey Breast (Oscar M. has some good choices.)*
  • 2 slices Colby Jack Cheese (I used a reduced fat blend.)*
  • 2 slices thin cut medium size ripe tomato
  • 2 slices thin cut red onion
  • 1 slice bread & butter sandwich slim pickle
  • stuffed olives, optional.
*notice anything? Reduced fat maybe! :-bd

Preparation Turkey Panini:

1. Preheat panini press to medium high. 
2. Lightly spread one side of each slice of bread with butter/margarine/butter substitute.
3. Turn slices over & lightly brush the opposite sides with mayonnaise, to taste.
4. Layer cheese slices on bottom slice of bread
5. Gently fold in half & layer turkey slices on top of cheese slices. 
6. Top turkey slices with tomato, red onion & pickle.
7. Place top bread slice, mayonnaise side down onto pickle.
8. Gently place sandwich on panini press & grill for approximately 5 minutes, just untill cheese starts to melt. *
9. Once sandwich is grilled to satisfaction, remove from panini & slice in half. Skewer each half with an olive & toothpick, if desired.

*note: If you don't have a panini press, a heated heavy skillet will work.

To serve, simply spoon Savory Okra Soup into your favorite soup bowl and give it a light sprinkle of parmesan cheese. Garnish with your Roasted Turkey Panini Sandwich.

Wow! What a great little meal for a cool fall day or cold winter day. Left over soup can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days and makes a great little lunchtime treat. Enjoy!
Savory Okra Soup & Roasted Turkey Panini

Enjoy! WildWSS outta here!





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