A Few Favorites, Part 1 of 3

WildWSS's Texas Tuff Chili


National Chili Day 



Everyone Loves A Nut!


National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day! :))

Who Knew! 




Some Favorites, Part 1 of 3

Well, I just wanted to make everyone aware that National Chili Day is fast approaching - Thursday, February 28, 2013. You can get some Chili Trivia here: National Chili Day. What Fav Chili recipe will you be stirring up? I just created a 'new' Chili recipe and will be sharing in the next day or two. Can you wait? I know, it's hard to fathom what I might spring on you next. But, I think it's going to be worth it! So, stay tuned.

Today, however, is National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day! Here's a little Chocolate Covered Nuts Trivia: Be Nutty Today... Do you have nuts covered in chocolate? Well, do you? I may have to make a trip over to See's Candies... =P~

Actually, the purpose of this little post was suppose to be about sharing a little recap of some of my fav recipes. Well, actually it's about me trying to learn a new little blog feature. So this is a little test! This is probably going to be the first of three posts on some of my favorite recipes. I had no idea that my little blog contained so many posts... I must have been busy!

Anyway, if you see a part/recipe of the 'BIG' pic to peak your interest, just click anywhere inside that little section and it 'should' open the link to the specific recipe. Try it! At least, I hope this works. 

Favorites 1 of 3

Image Map

That's all for now. I plan on adding a few more favs, but it does take a little time to organize, format and compose the info. Until then,  =;

Enjoy! WildWSS outta here!





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